You know it: the love of a pet can provide invaluable emotional support, a sense of security and purpose, a diversion from immediate troubles – something especially important for those facing upheaval in their lives.
Pets of the Homeless do great work in providing food and foster-care for pets when owners are struggling to manage this on their own.
Dogdayz is privileged to work with this outstanding organisation in providing emergency collection and accommodation.
Myf Warhurst is Ambassador for Pets of the Homeless, making space in her busy professional schedule to raise awareness and funds for their great work.
Keep up the great work P.O.T.H. and Myf. (…OK, you too Vyv.)
You can learn more and add your welcome support to Pets of the Homeless here.
(As a happy coincidence, Dogdayz has the pleasure of caring for Myf’s own bestie, Vyvyan the Foxhound, whenever she, Myf, is out of town.)