Dogdayz Pricing

Dogdayz Pricing

We understand pricing is important – and so is value.

If you are comparing other providers, consider that Dogdayz rates include the following – for every dog entrusted to our care.

  • High quality indoor accommodation
  • Minimum 4 hours supervised outdoor play every day
  • Qualified staff on site day & overnight
  • Daily health and well-being record for every dog. Routine weekly vet checks
  • One-on-one patting time – every dog, every day
  • Personal tours by appointment of our whole site operation

Boarding Price Guide

Our pricing regime is not complex but it does vary between peak and non-peak times, also between our sites based on location. (Same high standard at each.)

As an indication, daily non-peak rate for Small Dogs varies between $48 and $52, fully inclusive of all aspects of our service.
Larger dogs can be $58 – $65 per day and the really big fellows (and girls) up to $70.

Tinies and Terriers, Poodles and Oodles

$48 – $52

$48 – $52

Large: All the lovely Labs, Field Breeds, Greyhounds etc.

$58- $65

$58- $65

Giant: but prices not quite so gigantic.

$60 – $70

$60 – $70

For detailed information on our prices or for a specific quote for your dog, please just contact any of our sites or use the link on this website.


77 Tills Drive, Warrandyte VIC, 3113 9844 3292

Diggers Rest / Toolern Vale

1395 Holden Rd, Toolern Vale VIC 3337 9746 1422


161 Monbulk-Seville Rd, Silvan VIC 3795 9737 9530


1465 Mickleham Rd, Yuroke VIC 3063 9333 1527

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LABOUR DAY WEEKEND: 80% booked at Warrandyte, & 70% booked at Silvan and Toolern Vale.

EASTER 2025: All sites now fully booked!

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