Pet Transport Melbourne

For your convenience we offer pet transport between Dogdayz and your home or business around Melbourne from Monday to Saturday. Fees vary with travel time and distance.

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Pet Transport for your dog

Are you unable to care for your dog right now and need help getting it into great care?

Are you looking for reliable pet transport in Melbourne?

Dogdayz offers essential dog transport between your place and ours – check collection location here.

For more information on our pet transport service, contact us now.

Pet Transport and COVID-19

COVID-19 is a challenge for us all in so many ways – one particularly difficult task may be arranging safe dog transport from one location to another.

Dogdayz can help with safe and secure pet transport observing full COVID-19 precautions and protocol.

For more information on pet transportation and COVID-19, contact us now.

What COVID-19 precautions are used?

All Dogdayz Pet Transport vans are disinfected before and after completing a trip. Our staff travel with sanitiser, which is applied regularly throughout the trip, and wear a face mask when interacting with others.

Clients are contacted via phone on arrival, at which time appropriate measures are discussed to safely transfer the dog – usually as simple as the owner attaching our lead and passing across to us.

Can dogs transmit COVID-19 to humans?

While dogs are not carriers of the COVID-19 coronavirus there is some chance they may carry traces of the virus on their coats, collars etc.

As a precaution, wash or sanitise your hands after patting your dog and especially if others have been patting also. At Dogdayz we use veterinary-grade F10 viricidal disinfectant to lightly spray incoming dogs. (Yes, it is perfectly safe to use on dogs).

Dogdayz Staff

Our dog transport vans are operated only by our own qualified staff, experienced in animal handling, so you can be assured that your dog is comfortable and safe from the beginning to the end.

Dogdayz Vehicles Melbourne

Our pet transport vans are easily recognisable so you can be confident that your dog is in good hands throughout – handled only by our experienced professional staff.

Why choose Dogdayz when it comes to minding your dog?

Leaving your dog with somebody else is an act of trust. Our commitment is to be in every way worthy of that trust, making your dog’s holiday safe and truly memorable. We invite you to consider The Dogdayz Experience.

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Our clients say…

Chloe & Coco

“Thank you so much for the staff at Toolern Vale for looking after Chloe and Coco for a month…you kept me constantly updated and I was instantly at ease. They came back very happy dogs! I will be recommending this to all my friends…The dogs actually cried when the lovely man that dropped them off at home left today, they wanted to go back.”

Leah M

Daisy & Oscar

“Thank you so much David & Bec for looking after Daisy & Oscar! They had a ball and were very well looked after! Thank you also for keeping in touch whilst we were overseas – with photos and updates! You’re the best.”

Hazel M


“Daisy has loved her stay with the Warrandyte gang. It was so good to be able to ring up and find out how she was going. The pictures you sent also made us laugh and feel reassured. We know our Daisy girl and if she has her tongue out, tail up and is running flat out with her doggie pals she is a very happy boxer.”

Heather M

Like To Know More?

Contact us via email or phone, also to arrange an inspection tour for you and your dogs.


77 Tills Drive, Warrandyte VIC, 3113
9844 3292

Diggers Rest / Toolern Vale

1395 Holden Rd, Toolern Vale VIC 3337
9746 1422


161 Monbulk-Seville Rd, Silvan VIC 3795
9737 9530


1465 Mickleham Rd, Yuroke VIC 3063
9333 1527

LABOUR DAY WEEKEND: 80% booked at Warrandyte, & 70% booked at Silvan and Toolern Vale.

EASTER 2025: All sites now fully booked!

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